From 09.06.2022 To 30.07.2022
Galerie Max Hetzler, 57 rue du Temple 75004 Paris
Galerie Max Hetzler, 57 rue du Temple 75004 Paris
Sculpture is in his blood, stonework being a family affair. However, Mauro Corda followed classical studies in France and Spain, which allowed him to acquire, through hard work, legitimacy on the international artistic scene. The body, he transforms it, sublimates […]
For some time now, a warm air has been rising on the international artistic scene. This is explained by the rise in power of African and Afro-descendant artists, finally opening wide the doors of contemporary art. Long confined to “primitive”, […]
Galerie Anne Barrault, 51 rue des Archives 75003 Paris
Galerie Denise René, 22 rue Charlot 75003 Paris
Beaux-Arts de Paris – Cabinet des dessins, 14 rue Bonaparte 75006 Paris