48 rue de Turenne 75003 Paris
48 rue de Turenne 75003 Paris
Since 2006, François Pinault has opened several venues in Venice, Italy, such as the Palazzo Grassi, in order to display his collection of more than 10,000 works and bringing together nearly 350 artists, but Paris, the city of light, was […]
If the cultural venues have just reopened, their sanitary protocol does not yet allow them to welcome as many visitors as they would like, so what if all the reservations are already full? Don’t panic, open-air exhibitions do not have […]
Medicom’s famous Bearbrick figurine has joined forces with Bibliothèque Blanche to offer these small ceramic figurines, aroma diffusers for room fragrances. Simply put a few drops of essential oil directly on the head of the figurine. The oil vaporizes and […]
If there is one thing we remember from photographer Peter Lindbergh, it is the intensity of his black and white. Born in Poland in 1944, he quickly became fascinated with art and during his beginnings rubbed shoulders with famous photographers […]
As you know, at the Librairie des Arts, we love Macon&Lesquoy’s brooches. Created in 2009 by Marie Macon and Anne-Laure Lesquoy, the French brand offers embroidere accessories. Lovers of elegance and detail, the two designers love exceptional craftsmanship and know […]